
Gas flaring mitigation solution

Complete flaring elimination at locations with a minimum of 350 MCF flared a day. No CO2 emissions caused by flaring where EZ Smartgrid™ System is deployed.
Meets new regulations
Meet rapidly growing regulations and tightening environmental guidelines without interruptions of the operation by reducing harmful emissions.
Zero upfront cost to producers. Additional royalties to landowners by bringing flared gas to market on-site without building physical pipeline infrastructure.

The problem of gas flaring

In 2020, the World Bank estimated that annual Gas flaring had increasedto 5.3 trillion ft3 of natural gas. Highest in a decade. (25% of total U.S. consumption)
The problem of gas flaring
In 2020, the World Bank estimated that annual Gas flaring had increasedto 5.3 trillion ft3 of natural gas. Highest in a decade. (25% of total U.S. consumption)

5.3 trillion cubic feet
of natural gas are flared or vented annually

Equivalent to 25%
of U.S. yearly gas consumption

$30.6 billion
is the approximate cost of flared natural gas according to the World Bank

More than
400 million tons
of carbon dioxide equivalent are emitted into the atmosphere annually

Problems with existing flaring solutions

Most of the information here is based on the research paper from the U. S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory

The economic problem

Most popular existing flaring solutions are NGl recovery, striping natural gas liquids from natural gas, and liquifying natural gas (LNG) to deliver it to the market. Both of these solutions are very expensive on CAPEX and may not prove to be economically feasible. Dealing with liquids is very expensive when thinking about transportation, stability, and price. Because of inconsistent gas volumes and pressure, it is also hardly possible to predict the project's economic side. Power generation does not prove to work by itself because of regulatory difficulties to sell power to the grid and lack of power line infrastructure.

The problem of slow infrastructure development

It may take a few years to develop and build all needed infrastructure to solve the problem of flaring on the scale such as gathering lines, pipelines, power lines, gas processing facilities, etc. Usually, when it is built the problem still exists because of the higher production volume and, therefore, the higher number of flaring emissions.

The environmental problem

Some of the solutions do not solve the problem of flaring completely. NGL recovery, for example, just strips rich BTU liquids from flared gas, but lean gas flaring still occurs. This type of flaring reduces CO2 emissions by an insignificant amount. Flaring releases significant greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and doesn't produce any work (useful energy) as a result.

Reducing CO2 emissions
of flared gas by up to70%
With Smartgrid™ system

EZ Blockchain developed a plug-and-play solution to turn natural gas flaring into monetization. EZ Blockchain deploys the EZ Smartgrid™ Flaring Mitigation System (FMS) right on the oil well pads to turn wasted natural gas into a new revenue stream, meeting new environmental regulations along the way.

EZ Smartgrid™ Flaring Mitigation System

ezsmartboxgeneratoroiloil d="M20.6953 28.3438C20.6953 27.1771 20.8698 26.1979 21.2188 25.4062C21.4792 24.8229 21.8333 24.2995 22.2812 23.8359C22.7344 23.3724 23.2292 23.0286 23.7656 22.8047C24.4792 22.5026 25.3021 22.3516 26.2344 22.3516C27.9219 22.3516 29.2708 22.875 30.2812 23.9219C31.2969 24.9688 31.8047 26.4245 31.8047 28.2891C31.8047 30.138 31.3021 31.5859 30.2969 32.6328C29.2917 33.6745 27.9479 34.1953 26.2656 34.1953C24.5625 34.1953 23.2083 33.6771 22.2031 32.6406C21.1979 31.599 20.6953 30.1667 20.6953 28.3438ZM23.0781 28.2656C23.0781 29.5625 23.3776 30.5469 23.9766 31.2188C24.5755 31.8854 25.3359 32.2188 26.2578 32.2188C27.1797 32.2188 27.9349 31.888 28.5234 31.2266C29.1172 30.5599 29.4141 29.5625 29.4141 28.2344C29.4141 26.9219 29.125 25.9427 28.5469 25.2969C27.974 24.651 27.2109 24.3281 26.2578 24.3281C25.3047 24.3281 24.5365 24.6562 23.9531 25.3125C23.3698 25.9635 23.0781 26.9479 23.0781 28.2656ZM33.5469 34V22.5469H35.8594V34H33.5469ZM38.1328 34V22.6406H40.4453V32.0703H46.1953V34H38.1328ZM53.6328 34L50.8984 22.5469H53.2656L54.9922 30.4141L57.0859 22.5469H59.8359L61.8438 30.5469L63.6016 22.5469H65.9297L63.1484 34H60.6953L58.4141 25.4375L56.1406 34H53.6328ZM67.1172 34V22.5469H75.6094V24.4844H69.4297V27.0234H75.1797V28.9531H69.4297V32.0703H75.8281V34H67.1172ZM77.8516 34V22.6406H80.1641V32.0703H85.9141V34H77.8516ZM87.6328 34V22.6406H89.9453V32.0703H95.6953V34H87.6328ZM101.508 34V22.5469H105.219C106.625 22.5469 107.542 22.6042 107.969 22.7188C108.625 22.8906 109.174 23.2656 109.617 23.8438C110.06 24.4167 110.281 25.1589 110.281 26.0703C110.281 26.7734 110.154 27.3646 109.898 27.8438C109.643 28.3229 109.318 28.7005 108.922 28.9766C108.531 29.2474 108.133 29.4271 107.727 29.5156C107.174 29.625 106.375 29.6797 105.328 29.6797H103.82V34H101.508ZM103.82 24.4844V27.7344H105.086C105.997 27.7344 106.607 27.6745 106.914 27.5547C107.221 27.4349 107.461 27.2474 107.633 26.9922C107.81 26.737 107.898 26.4401 107.898 26.1016C107.898 25.6849 107.776 25.3411 107.531 25.0703C107.286 24.7995 106.977 24.6302 106.602 24.5625C106.326 24.5104 105.771 24.4844 104.938 24.4844H103.82ZM121.32 34H118.805L117.805 31.3984H113.227L112.281 34H109.828L114.289 22.5469H116.734L121.32 34ZM117.062 29.4688L115.484 25.2188L113.938 29.4688H117.062ZM122.547 22.5469H126.773C127.727 22.5469 128.453 22.6198 128.953 22.7656C129.625 22.9635 130.201 23.3151 130.68 23.8203C131.159 24.3255 131.523 24.9453 131.773 25.6797C132.023 26.4089 132.148 27.3099 132.148 28.3828C132.148 29.3255 132.031 30.138 131.797 30.8203C131.51 31.6536 131.102 32.3281 130.57 32.8438C130.169 33.2344 129.628 33.5391 128.945 33.7578C128.435 33.9193 127.753 34 126.898 34H122.547V22.5469ZM124.859 24.4844V32.0703H126.586C127.232 32.0703 127.698 32.0339 127.984 31.9609C128.359 31.8672 128.669 31.7083 128.914 31.4844C129.164 31.2604 129.367 30.8932 129.523 30.3828C129.68 29.8672 129.758 29.1667 129.758 28.2812C129.758 27.3958 129.68 26.7161 129.523 26.2422C129.367 25.7682 129.148 25.3984 128.867 25.1328C128.586 24.8672 128.229 24.6875 127.797 24.5938C127.474 24.5208 126.841 24.4844 125.898 24.4844H124.859ZM133.531 30.2734L135.781 30.0547C135.917 30.8099 136.19 31.3646 136.602 31.7188C137.018 32.0729 137.578 32.25 138.281 32.25C139.026 32.25 139.586 32.0938 139.961 31.7812C140.341 31.4635 140.531 31.0938 140.531 30.6719C140.531 30.401 140.451 30.1719 140.289 29.9844C140.133 29.7917 139.857 29.625 139.461 29.4844C139.19 29.3906 138.573 29.224 137.609 28.9844C136.37 28.6771 135.5 28.2995 135 27.8516C134.297 27.2214 133.945 26.4531 133.945 25.5469C133.945 24.9635 134.109 24.4193 134.438 23.9141C134.771 23.4036 135.247 23.0156 135.867 22.75C136.492 22.4844 137.245 22.3516 138.125 22.3516C139.562 22.3516 140.643 22.6667 141.367 23.2969C142.096 23.9271 142.479 24.7682 142.516 25.8203L140.203 25.9219C140.104 25.3333 139.891 24.9115 139.562 24.6562C139.24 24.3958 138.753 24.2656 138.102 24.2656C137.43 24.2656 136.904 24.4036 136.523 24.6797C136.279 24.8568 136.156 25.0938 136.156 25.3906C136.156 25.6615 136.271 25.8932 136.5 26.0859C136.792 26.3307 137.5 26.5859 138.625 26.8516C139.75 27.1172 140.581 27.3932 141.117 27.6797C141.659 27.9609 142.081 28.349 142.383 28.8438C142.69 29.3333 142.844 29.9401 142.844 30.6641C142.844 31.3203 142.661 31.9349 142.297 32.5078C141.932 33.0807 141.417 33.5078 140.75 33.7891C140.083 34.0651 139.253 34.2031 138.258 34.2031C136.81 34.2031 135.698 33.8698 134.922 33.2031C134.146 32.5312 133.682 31.5547 133.531 30.2734Z" fill="#398BF5"/>

It consists of a mobile gas engine generator which converts wasted, flared gas into electricity which is immediately used onsite to power the  mobile data center, EZ Smartbox.

EZ Blockchain developed a mobile flaring mitigation system available to be deployed right on the  oil well pad to reduce flaring.

This unique system does not require connection to the grid, all electricity produced is used onsite.

Instead of flaring wasted associated gas can be harnessed by gas engine generator to produce electricity, then the electricity is used to power mobile data center on the well pad without distributing energy to the grid.



Complete flaring elimination at locations with a minimum of 350 MCF flared a day. No CO2 emissions are caused by flaring where EZ Smartgrid™ System is deployed.


Meet rapidly growing regulations and tighten environmental guidelines without interruptions of the operation by reducing harmful emissions.


Zero upfront cost to producers. Additional royalties to landowners by bringing flared gas to market on-site without building physical pipeline infrastructure.

Facility All facilities
facility: upstate ny location

A power generation company was looking for a solution to diversify its revenue and build a demand response system that could consume power at the off-peak hours.


EZ Blockchain redesigned the mobile data center with a unique shelving system and airflow system to bring its capacity up to 2.5 MWs, installing 720 x Bitmain S17 type miners. Our engineering team had to design a separate electrical room built from scratch to make the work of the electrical operations team simpler and safer. The design of the mobile data center was divided into 6 separate sections, each having its own autonomous electrical surge protection infrastructure to operate each section independently.

The company’s team developed a simple from an operational perspective but complex from an engineering perspective filter louver door in each section. This optimized the effort of changing filters on a constant basis, reducing the amount of labor hours needed to perform the work. 

Our HVAC engineers had to pick a special type of fan blades used for the HVAC cooling system to minimize the sound output from the fans in a 100% mode. In addition, a commercial VFD system was installed to optimize the fan RPM during night hours to minimize the noise when the temperature drops during the night.

Facility: Upstate NY Location


Wesco Operating, INC.
Flaring mitigation/Gas monetization

EZ Blockchain delivered and installed a BTC mining box and associated miners with very little issues. The project is running smoothly, and a second box is on schedule to be delivered and installed.

This install will limit flaring at the field to a minimum, turning stranded gas into a profitable solution. The company designed the project from scratch, sourced crypto mining hardware in very tough market conditions.

After the installation, EZ Blockchain operates the crypto mining operation on a daily basis.

Tom Kirkwood
Silver Energy Services
Trusted partner in our mining operations

We’ve had the privilege of working with EZ Blockchain over the last year. Their support in getting our mine up and running was invaluable, saving us countless hours and maximizing uptime. Since start-up, we have been able to lean on their team 24/7 to help with mine optimization and troubleshooting. They are a trusted partner in our mining operations.


Joel Gordon